In keeping with our 40th theme, we have provided a list of 40 services we offer at Ison Harrison. Perhaps there’s a service you didn’t know we offered – here are all the details of some of most popular services and the key contacts you can get in touch with directly.

40th logo

1.Unfair Dismissal Claims

How we can help: We can provide full human resources support for your business to ensure you are fully compliant with legislation and fulfilling your duty to treat your employees fairly.

Contact us about your unfair dismissal claims: or phone 0113 284 5023

2. Will Writing

How we can help: Setting up a will might be the most important thing you ever do, and it
isn’t difficult to do at all. We can guide you through the process to ensure your loved ones
are protected in the event of your passing.

Contact us about setting up a will: or phone 0113 284 5086

3. Buying or Selling a Property

How we can help: Buying and selling a house is the one area of the legal system nearly all of
us get involved in at least once in our lives. It can be stressful, time-consuming and complex,
but we take all that away from you to ensure your dream home truly arrives.

Contact us about buying or selling a home: or phone 0113 284 5157

4. Franchising and Licensing

How we can help: Franchising and licensing has become a specialist part of commercial law
and we can advise you on whether it is suitable for you or your business in the current

Contact us about franchising and licensing: or phone 0113 284 5029

5. New Build Property Advice

How we can help: The legal procedure for buying a new build property can be more complex
and has additional considerations. We can talk you through these stages and do the hard
work for you.

Contact us about new build property: or phone 0113 284 5157

6. Commercial Litigation

How we can help: Relationships in business can be multi-layered and complex and where
disputes develop they need to be handled right. We can offer practical advice on how best
to settle disputes for the good of your business.

Contact us about commercial litigation: or phone 0113 284 5029

7. Divorce and Separation

How we can help: Divorce and separation is unfortunately a fact of life for many people, we
can help you deal with this in a way to limit the emotional strain, while also advising on your
individual rights and those of any children or dependants.

Contact us about divorce and separation: or phone 0113 284 5000

8. Maternity Rights

How we can help: Keeping ahead of ever-changing legislation is important to ensure you
comply with your duties as an employer and continue to treat your employees fairly. We can
offer practical advice to help you do this.

Contact us about maternity rights: or phone 0113 284 5023

9. Accidents at Work

How we can help: Everyone has a right to feel safe at work, but unfortunately, accidents are
commonplace and where you are not to blame you have a right to seek compensation from
your employer for trips or falls, burns and crushing etc.

Contact us about accidents at work: or phone 0113 284 5014

10. Commercial Debt Recovery

How we can help: We have an efficient debt recovery team who can assist your business
with court proceedings, insolvency matters and enforcing outstanding judgements.

Contact us about commercial debt recovery: or phone 0113 284 5057

11. Landlord Rights

How we can help: We can explain your rights, duties and responsibilities as a commercial
landlord and assist you in understanding legislation and what is right for your business.

Contact us about landlord rights: or phone 0113 284 5019

12. Leasing Commercial Property

How we can help: We can work with both landlord and tenant to help you understand the
process, the terms of a contract and your responsibilities.

Contact us about leasing commercial property: or phone 0113 2845019

13. Intellectual Property

In the current business climate you need to work hard to gain a competitive edge, and we
can help you protect those elements you have spent years to develop and that are unique to
your business.

Contact us about intellectual property: or phone 0113 284 5029

14. Social Housing

How we can help: Through Government initiatives this has become an increasingly big part
of our business as we advise clients on acquisitions, funding agreements, right to buy and
care and supported housing.

Contact us about social housing: or phone 0113 284 5019

15. Business Start-Up Advice

How we can help: Starting your own business requires a number of legal steps in terms of
the basic structure and legal entity that suits your business, plus the legal formalities
surrounding its formation. We can also advise on data protection, employment law and
intellectual property

Contact us about business start-up advice: or phone 0113 284 5012

16. Cohabitation advice

How we can help: We can assist you in drawing up Living Together Agreements to clarify
the ownership of shared assets or assist people who seek advice on finances and the arrangements of
their children after their relationship has broken down.

Contact us about cohabitation agreements: or phone 0113 284 5000

17. Neighbour Disputes

How we can help: We have expert lawyers who have extensive experience in resolving all manner of
property and land disputes between neighbours as well as disputes in relation to noise, privacy and anti-social

Contact us about setting up a neighbour disputes: or by phone 0113 284 5057

18. TUPE Regulations

How we can help: TUPE regulations preserve an employee’s terms and conditions in the
event that a business is sold to new owners, so we can advise both an employer and an
employee on their duties and rights.

Contact us about TUPE regulations: or phone 0113 284 5023

19.Breach of Contract

How we can help: Contract disputes arise regularly in business – we can advise you on your remedies through providing clear and pragmatic commercial advice.

Contact us about contract disputes: or phone 0113 284 5029

20. Tenants Rights

How we can help: If you are a commercial landlord with sitting tenants you have duties to
them and they have responsibilities to you. We can help you understand these and draft
contracts that address them.

Contact us about tenants rights: or phone 0113 284 5029

21. Redundancy

How we can help: Redundancy is an unfortunate reality to a lot of businesses and we can
help you ensure you go through the correct procedure and treat your employees fairly, with
a view to the process going smoothly with no upset or grievance.

Contact us about redundancy: or phone 0113 284 5023

22. Acquisition and Sales of Commercial Property

How we can help: Whatever the size of your business, we can ease you through the sale or
buying process, taking into account valuation, banks, fees and searches.

Contact us about acquisition and sales of commercial property: or phone 0113 284 5019

23. Copyrights, Trademarks and Patents

How we can help: This is a specialist area of business law which can become costly in terms
of litigation but also loss or business or reputation, if handled badly. We can advise on your
rights and legal position.

Contact us about copyright, trademarks and patents: or phone 0113 284 5029

24. Company Regulatory Compliance

How we can help: All businesses are bound by external regulations, and this scrutiny is
tighter than ever. We can advise on your responsibilities to trading standards, health and
safety executive, data protection and financial services.

Contact us about company regulatory compliance: or phone 0113 284 5062

25. Cosmetic Surgery Claims

How we can help: Cosmetic surgery is increasingly common for many parts of the body, but
unfortunately sometimes this can go wrong, we can help you seek compensation if you have
suffered further injury, loss of earnings or additional surgery costs.

Contact us about cosmetic surgery claims: or phone 0113 284 5066

26. Domestic Violence

How we can help: Domestic violence is a common by-product of other family law issues, but
there are ways in which you can protect yourself and take steps to safely remove the
problem from your life, we can advise on all these steps.

Contact us about domestic violence: or phone 0113 200 7427

27. Discrimination

How we can help: Discrimination is a common feature in the work place, particularly when a
woman returns to work from maternity leave or uncovers sexism in the workplace generally.
We can advise on your rights and how you should go about addressing this issue.

Contact us about discrimination: or phone 0113 284 5023

28. Probate

How we can help: Probate can be complex and worrying at an already emotional time. We can explain the process to you and guide you through each stage to ensure an estate is divided fairly and as promptly as possible.

Contact us about probate: or phone 0113 284 5086

29. Shotgun Licensing

How we can help: In the UK, there are stringent legal requirements and rules concerning the possession, purchase, handling and disposal of firearms, shotguns and ammunition. Our specialist regulatory law department can help.

Contact us about shotgun licensing: or phone 0113 284 5062

30. Criminal Law

How we can help: We are a criminal law specialist and we can represent you if you are facing
court proceedings for any criminal act.

Contact us about criminal law: or phone 0113 200 7438

31. Public Law

How we can help: Our public law department deals with claims for judicial review
involving local authorities, the Home Office and other central government departments in
cases before Coroners, County and High Courts, the Court of Appeal, Supreme Court and the
European Court of Human Rights.

Contact us about public law: or phone 0113 284 5072

32. Road Traffic Offences

How we can help:  You may have been caught speeding or you may have been stopped for careless and dangerous driving. Our expert road traffic team can offer succinct and concise legal advice specific to the circumstances of your case.

Contact us about road traffic offences: or phone 0113 200 7413

33. Birth Injuries

How we can help: Birth injuries can be very traumatic for the child and the whole family and
of course they can be life-changing. We can help you with emotional support, to have your
injuries assessed and rehabilitated and also to seek compensation where clinical negligence
has occurred.

Contact us about birth injuries: or phone 0113 284 5066

34. Civil Partnerships

How we can help: Recent law changes have given greater freedom to those seeking a civil
partnership, so we can help you understand the law and what you need to do to get your
relationship legally recognised.

Contact us about civil partnerships: or phone 0113 284 5071

35. Industrial Disease

How we can help: Employees can be subject to industrial disease such as asbestosis and
dermatitis, through no fault of their own, so we can help you proceed with a compensation
claim to cover your suffering.

Contact us about industrial disease: or phone 0113 284 5014

36. Buy-to-Let

How we can help: Buying a property to let can be a business move or a way of setting up a
tidy retirement pot, we can advise you on your legal requirements and how the property
market is currently performing.

Contact us about buy-to-let: or phone 0113 284 5157

37. Settlement Agreements

How we can help: A settlement agreement is a legally binding agreement between an
employee and an employer, and sets out the terms and conditions agreed upon the
termination of a contract of employment or in order to resolve a dispute. We can advise on
your rights and duties as both an employer and an employee.

Contact us about settlement agreements: or phone 0113 284 5029

38. Lasting Powers of Attorney

How we can help: Unfortunately none of us can guarantee that when the time comes we, or
a member of our family, will have the mental capacity to deal with the distribution of a will.
There is a strict legal procedure relating to how this can be dealt with and we can help with
all aspects of this.

Contact us about lasting powers of attorney: or phone 0113 284 5086

39. Tiers of Immigration – Seeking Citizenship

How we can help: There are various tiers of immigration which apply to different sectors of
people. We can advise on what paperwork you are required to provide in order to seek a
visa, citizenship applications and avoid deportation.

Contact us about citizenship and immigration: or phone 0113 284 5074

40. Regulatory Law

How we can help: We have the experience and knowledge to advise on what is required if
you are looking to set up as a professional in certain trades, such as dentistry and
accountants and can also advise on specific regulatory requirements.

Contact us about regulatory law: or phone 0113 284 5062