Erb’s Palsy Group
The Erb’s Palsy Group is a leading charity dedicated to helping those affected by Erb’s Palsy.
Erb’s Palsy is a paralysis of the arm caused by damage to the main nerves, usually due to birth trauma.
The Erb’s Palsy Group was founded in 1991 by Debbie Clark, whose own child has Erb’s Palsy.
Through raising awareness of the condition and educating others, The Erb’s Palsy group is the only UK organisation offering advice and support to families affected by Erb’s Palsy. The team at the Erb’s Palsy Group work tirelessly with fundraising and events to help parents and families.
Based in Coventry, the EPG have a close Yorkshire connection including having partnered with The Children’s Hand Clinic at St James’s University Hospital, Leeds to develop an Integrated Care Pathway for the treatment of Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy and to have contributed to the development of Shoulder Dystocia Protocols in many labour wards throughout the country.

We’re donating £250 to the Erb’s Palsy Group to support families affected by Erb’s Palsy.
Why did we choose the Erb’s Palsy Group?
Having worked with the Erb’s Palsy Group for a number of years, Ison Harrison has a close relationship with the EPG team and they were nominated a number of times by our staff as well as receiving heartfelt messages and nominations from the public.
We are so pleased to able to include the Erb’s Palsy Group as one of our shortlisted charities for #TheBig40.

Jonathan Wearing, Managing Partner