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September 2018

40 Reasons Why We Love Yorkshire

We are very proud of making it to 40, but also really proud that we have retained our Yorkshire roots and identity. There is so much about Yorkshire that makes it unique and here’s 40 reasons why we love it:

  1. Seaside: You can’t beat the East coast for some of the best scenery around, with Yorkshire’s seaside resorts still proving to be amongst the most popular in the UK. Take in Whitby, Filey, Scarborough, Robin Hood’s Bay or Bridlington and you’ve got quintessential Englishness right there.
  2. Breweries: Going right back 200 years, Yorkshire was famous for its breweries and through 20th century mass production from John Smiths, Samuel Smiths and Tetley’s we now find ourselves with some of the UK’s most successful breweries on our doorstep with Saltaire, Theakstons, Black Sheep and Timothy Taylors and some of the country’s most successful independent breweries, such as Magic Rock, Kelham Island and Northern Monk.
  3. Yorkshire Puddings: To many people outside of the region this might be its sole identity, but the Yorkshire pudding has been a staple part of a Sunday roast for generations. There’s an art to making them properly, but get that batter rising just right and this is possibly our greatest export.
  4. Tea: Everyone knows the healing and revitalisation that a cup of tea can bring. It has supported the working lives of the nation for years, and while we can argue long and hard about who makes the best tea, it is probably easiest to agree it is Yorkshire Tea made by Taylors of Harrogate, and then just sit down and enjoy a cuppa.
  5. Henderson’s Relish: A most versatile condiment, and many Yorkshire folk would find a way to justify adding a splash to pretty much anything savoury. Rich and spicy, it is unique to its Sheffield heritage but has spread far and wide, with exiled Yorkies getting it shipped globally in distress packages. And don’t talk to me about Worcestershire Sauce.
  6. Cheese: While Wensleydale might be the most well-known, Yorkshire has been producing cheeses since the Norman invasion. We specialise in crumbly cheeses from Nidderdale, Wensleydale, Teesdale, Swaledale and Coverdale, but also churn out a mean cheddar or Gouda in various cottage creameries throughout the region.
  7. Countryside: Where do you start in describing the breathtaking panorama of Yorshire’s countryside? With rivers, ruins, waterfalls, gardens, valleys, heather and farmland as far as the eye can see, from the Dales north of Grassington and Skipton to the Moors between Thirsk and the east coast, just take it all in, it will never age.
  8. Pubs: Okay, pub culture is not unique to Yorkshire, but we specialise in the traditional and homely inns that have stood for hundreds of years and still provide the same purpose; to welcome people, provide an escape, socialise and serve wonderful ales. Some of the country’s most identifiable pubs reside in Yorkshire and the very fabric of British hospitality can be traced back there.
  9. Bands: Popular culture might easily sidestep Yorkshire en route to the North […]

June 2018

Press Release: Ison Harrison Celebrates 40 Years of Success By Supporting 40 Local Causes

Leading law firm Ison Harrison, which was established in Leeds in 1978, is commemorating 40 years of legal services by making a commitment to 40 deserving good causes.

The firm will celebrate four decades in the region by giving back to the communities in which it operates. Ison Harrison has launched the #TheBig40 campaign that will benefit 40 local good causes in the form of cash donations or gifts made on a nomination basis.

Nominations for charities open officially on 12th June and the campaign will run across the firm’s social media channels and website, with individuals and charities themselves being encouraged to nominate via a new 40th themed microsite. Ison Harrison staff are also eligible to nominate.

Jonathan Wearing – Managing Partner, Dominic Mackenzie - Partner

The firm will also mark the 40th birthday milestone with a private celebratory event for employees at The Tetley in Leeds this month.

The firm now employs more than 210 staff across twelve offices, including its head office on Wellington Street in Leeds which is home to the firm’s business and personal legal service teams. Each of the twelve offices specialises in residential conveyancing, wills and probate and family law as well as providing a convenient access point for clients wanting advice from an expert in any of the other legal services offered by the firm.  The firm is proud to offer the broadest range of legal services of any firm in the region.

Since its foundation in 1978 as S.C. Harrison & Co. Solicitors by Stephen Harrison in Leeds, the firm has helped thousands of clients.  Ison Harrison now assists more than 16,000 people every year and looks after wills for over 40,000 clients. As well as being Lexcel accredited the firm has more Law Society accreditations than any other firm in the region.

Jonathan Wearing, Managing Partner commented: “This year represents a real celebration of Ison Harrison’s growth and success as a firm over the past 40 years as well as the contribution made to the regional business community. We wanted to mark this in an impactful and memorable way and decided that giving back to good causes in our heartland was an exciting and engaging way in which to do this.

“Community involvement is a big driver for us and will continue to be in the future. Over the years we have supported so many charities and have been actively involved in the communities where we are based, so we decided to invite nominations from deserving local causes to benefit in some way.”

The Big 40 campaign will be the first time in the firm’s history that they have run a digitally driven campaign to help support local charities. This follows on from the successful launch of their new company video earlier this year, entitled “If You Ever Need Me” which focussed on their proud Yorkshire roots.

Jonathan adds: “We like to think that one of our key strengths over the years has been our ability to evolve and innovate. We are […]

40 Services We Offer At Ison Harrison

In keeping with our 40th theme, we have provided a list of 40 services we offer at Ison Harrison. Perhaps there’s a service you didn’t know we offered – here are all the details of some of most popular services and the key contacts you can get in touch with directly.

40th logo

1.Unfair Dismissal Claims

How we can help: We can provide full human resources support for your business to ensure you are fully compliant with legislation and fulfilling your duty to treat your employees fairly.

Contact us about your unfair dismissal claims: or phone 0113 284 5023

2. Will Writing

How we can help: Setting up a will might be the most important thing you ever do, and it
isn’t difficult to do at all. We can guide you through the process to ensure your loved ones
are protected in the event of your passing.

Contact us about setting up a will: or phone 0113 284 5086

3. Buying or Selling a Property

How we can help: Buying and selling a house is the one area of the legal system nearly all of
us get involved in at least once in our lives. It can be stressful, time-consuming and complex,
but we take all that away from you to ensure your dream home truly arrives.

Contact us about buying or selling a home: or phone 0113 284 5157

4. Franchising and Licensing

How we can help: Franchising and licensing has become a specialist part of commercial law
and we can advise you on whether it is suitable for you or your business in the current

Contact us about franchising and licensing: or phone 0113 284 5029

5. New Build Property Advice

How we can help: The legal procedure for buying a new build property can be more complex
and has additional considerations. We can talk you through these stages and do the hard
work for you.

Contact us about new build property: or phone 0113 284 5157

6. Commercial Litigation

How we can help: Relationships in business can be multi-layered and complex and where
disputes develop they need to be handled right. We can offer practical advice on how best
to settle disputes for the good of your business.

Contact us about commercial litigation: or phone 0113 284 5029

7. Divorce and Separation

How we can help: Divorce and separation is unfortunately a fact of life for many people, we
can help you deal with this in a way to limit the emotional strain, while also advising on your
individual rights and those of any children or dependants.

Contact us about divorce and separation: or phone 0113 284 5000

8. Maternity Rights

How we can help: Keeping ahead of ever-changing legislation is important to ensure you
comply with your duties as an employer and continue to treat your employees fairly. We can
offer practical advice to help you do this.

Contact us about maternity rights: or phone 0113 284 5023

9. Accidents at Work

How we can help: Everyone has a right to feel safe at work, but unfortunately, accidents are
commonplace and where you […]

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